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Muscle Memory

Throughout my life, I have been involved in different sports, hobbies and activities that required lots of practice and repetitive drills. When I learned to ride a bike, I rode every day until I learned how to balance myself and ride with no hands. During my childhood I took piano lessons for a few years. I spent many nights practicing my scales and chords, From the age of 5 up through high school, I was a cheerleader, and I practiced my jumps, cartwheels and splits for hours.

What I discovered was that even if I stopped for a time, I did not forget how to begin the drills and practice steps again. This ability to remember moves without conscious thought is referred to as "muscle memory."

Repetition is the key to perfecting the sport, hobby, activity or tasks at work. Even if a project does not go off without a hitch, doesn't mean that it is not a worthwhile project. If you and your team stay the course and learn from missteps, you will crack the code on turning the project into a success.

In developing a new program offering, I suggest starting with assessing the need or the problem that you hope to address. Next, research the industry to see who else is providing the service. Perhaps there is an opportunity to partner with them. Third, outline the funds needed to initiate the program and as well as how the program will be sustained financially. Also outline the staff or special skills, equipment, tools or facilities that will be needed.

Once that research, use your muscle memory to help you and your team to step into the new project. If you've been successful in starting a project from the ground up before, what did you learn from that experience? Use those success tools to push you along. You know what they say -- once you learn to ride a bike, you'll never forget it.

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