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Finding Purpose in Your Passion

Writer's picture: Kimberly B. LewisKimberly B. Lewis

As we celebrate a long Labor Day weekend, it's a good time to do a gut check on whether your current job is a passion project or a passion drain.

Ask yourself if your job or career choice is life giving. Does it excite or motivate you to do more? Realistically, everyone has times of discontent in their job as well as times of burnout. That's natural, but those times should be occasional and can usually be alleviated with regular self-care, vacations or even a change in duties to add a nuance to the day to day routine.

However, if you find yourself thinking that "something" better or more is waiting for you, then it's time to evaluate where your passion is and to turn that passion into your next career purpose.

At Goodwill Industries of East Texas we help people do that in the areas of technology in our GoodTech Academy, in our GoodBiz program for under-represented entrepreneurs, and in our other training programs in retail and warehouse settings.

Labor Day is a federal holiday to celebrate the contributions of laborers in the United States and is observed the first Monday of September. We need and honor workers in this country and not all jobs are fun, glamourous or life giving, but they are necessary.

I worked many entry-level jobs in the foodservice industry in my younger days in high school and college, from a casher and server at Tastee Freeze restaurant to a Burger King drive-thru cashier, to a restaurant waitress at a beach resort catering to the rich and famous.

All of those jobs met my needs at the time -- money! For most workers, making money is their motivation to go to work everyday, and there is nothing wrong with that. They may also have a passion or a dream to venture into something else and there's nothing wrong with that either.

So, no matter where you are today, celebrate being able to work, having a job or a desire to work, and make a step towards your passion project as well. Like me, use every step to move you passionately towards your dream career.

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