I met with my Motivational Muse Mastermind Group recently and one of our discussions was on creating the future we desire. I often write and speak about creating a legacy and living your dream life. In my consulting and coaching, I work with leaders on separating the facts from what they desire in the future.
The facts may indicate that your business is operating 10% below goal or you’ve lost key staff to a competitor, which certainly may be the truth, but it's not the whole or complete truth. Those facts are just one part of the puzzle.
The more significant part of the puzzle is YOU!
You have the power and authority to change the facts. A downward turn in the economy does not mean that sales will lag forever or even into the next quarter. The “Help Wanted” and “Hiring Now” signs are a fact that businesses need more staff, but that can change in a few weeks.
So if you are struggling with the woes of bills staring you in the face and a modest return on your investment, there are a few things that you can do today to change the facts and drive a more positive and prosperous future:
1. Look at what and who you have and their attributes and capitalize on them. For example if you’ve lost your top sales person, but you have a great reputation and loyal customers, then ask them to make 3-5 referrals. Ask them to call on these referrals with you or at least make personal introductions.
2. Market, market, market – investigate which marketing strategies have worked for you in the past and do more of that. Sometimes we forget about the things that got us to the top and become complacent. If networking events, like Business Afterhours or trade shows worked, then do more of them.
3. If like me you enjoy writing - then start a blog or write a book and use it to generate leads, but be intentional and consistent in releasing your content. For example, create a clip from your website and place it in your blog like this:
Welcome to Motivational Muse, my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content. My team and I have over 20 years of executive experience in the for profit and not for profit fields. Please feel free to contact us or browse our shop!
The facts may say one thing, but your future is waiting for you to take intentional steps towards it. Get started now and turn things around so that you can walk in favor towards the life that you desire.